sábado, 4 de febrero de 2023


Antiguas alumnas de Bachibac han compartido con nosotros su experiencia en nuestro Centro y en el programa de doble-titulación 

Son testimonios emotivos y prometedores

miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2023


Last November, the English Department gave the prizes for the best Halloween stories written by our students. The awards ceremony took place at the Multiple-Purpose Room, where the winners were awarded their prizes by the English teachers and the president of the “AMPA”, who kindly collaborated by providing the different gift vouchers and diplomas given to the students.

We were so glad to see the interest and participation of so many students that handed in their Halloween stories.

Here you can see the contest poster, one of the awarded stories and some photos of the awards ceremony. We hope you like them!




 LA PYRAMIDE DES ALIMENTS Travail des élèves de 3ème en SVT